Monday, November 2, 2009

What Be Happenin'

Life continues to be sweet. This second module is keeping me slightly more busy in terms of schoolwork and I also have projects for Empresa Junior on my slate. That being said, my motto for my stay in Brasil "Work hard and play harder" is still in full swing.

Today is a holiday and some friends came up to São Paulo for the weekend so we could party. Hooray for living in a Catholic-influenced society...lots of holidays in the name of religion!

HUGE caterpillar. I wonder what kinda butterfly it turns into...

We decided to rock it up for Halloween.

The Ninja Cupcakes, minus the lovely Thais.

I guess you know you hit it right when several people at the party ask to have a picture with you.

Just another fun-filled day at Vila Lobos park with the regular posse.

1 comment:

Fran said...

How can you jump that high?!